If you’re not satisfied, we’re not satisfied. Arkadia Hotel’s Service Promise ensures you’ll have a great stay, or we’ll make it up to you with an instant discount, points for our rewards program – or even money back. All you have to do is tell us.
It’s quick and easy. Click on our reservations link. You will be prompted to enter your dates of travel, and various questions about the room type desired. Your reservation can be completed in a few simple steps. Any problems click on the Live Help link and our on line representative will be more than happy to help you out.
The personal and credit card information used to reserve a room can be modified with no change in room rate. However, if you wish to change any other aspect of your reservation – such as dates or room features – you must cancel your previous reservation, then make a new reservation that meets your new criteria. Therefore, the original room rate you were quoted is not guaranteed since the new room rate depends on what is available on the date that you rebook.
Please call this number +30 6974 928 121 or e-mail us: arkadiahotel@gmail.com. Remember to give us your reservation details.
Yes. Reservations are automatically guaranteed to your credit card. To avoid being charged, reservations must be cancelled in accordance with the cancellation policy of Arkadia hotel.
For your convenience, we retain your reservations information for 30 months.
Yes. You can reserve as many rooms of any type as you wish, there is no limitation.